Monday, October 5, 2009
Monday, September 14, 2009
20 Miles
Wow, a lot has happened I have run 18 miles a week ago Saturday and 20 miles today. Do I have permission to celebrate? I should be out in the streets yelling and rejoicing that I made it home. Really the 18 wasn't much different than the 20. My mental was a bit harder with the 20, I kept feeling a very urgent feeling, an impatient feeling, when I am in so much pain like when I'm in labor. I just want it to go away. I felt antsy, and restless and kept snapping at my poor darling husband this morning...early morning....telling him to talk to me, to tell me Book of Mormon stories....just get my mind busy, dang it.
Then, when I had run about 15 1/2 miles who came and saved me? Nissa, whom I haven't seen for waaay over a week. I don't even remember the last time we ran together. I've been outta town. She rescued me and ran the rest of the way home with me. I am crying...thank you sweet Nissa. I made it home, We made it home.....WE DID IT!!!!!!! So my DH saw that I was well taken care of so he went home to get the kids fed and taken care of. So when I arrived there they were waiting for me, what a little bit of heaven on earth. It has been a very special day.
Then, when I had run about 15 1/2 miles who came and saved me? Nissa, whom I haven't seen for waaay over a week. I don't even remember the last time we ran together. I've been outta town. She rescued me and ran the rest of the way home with me. I am crying...thank you sweet Nissa. I made it home, We made it home.....WE DID IT!!!!!!! So my DH saw that I was well taken care of so he went home to get the kids fed and taken care of. So when I arrived there they were waiting for me, what a little bit of heaven on earth. It has been a very special day.
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Life is Like Running a Marathon
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
I was soo inspired by this awesome video that a lady named Jen Tucker put together about running the Boston Marathon. Very worthy of sharing. Thank you Jen!!!!! Here's the link, well worth your time....Life is Like Running a Marathon
This one is great to:
Sorry I don't know how to do video on here.
Attitude Change
I have a new respect for marathon runners. How do they do it over and over again? and Why? I ask that question a lot. I have days I feel uninspired and then I come across some awesome quote or get some awesome video on an e-mail and it gets me goin again.
This is hard....I am trying to keep a positive attitude. Just 2 more long runs before the reeeeally long run. We have 18 this weekend and 20 next weekend then 9 then 8 then 26.2...
I am always amazed at the neverending support of my family. I couldn't do this without my darling husband and a rocking running partner. I don't know how people do this alone. It definitely tests your mind, your head and your brain, and your body. It's days like this, after only 8 miles, and I'm beat and sore, and can't move very well, that I get discouraged. Maybe I should eat, that would help.
I was soo inspired by this awesome video that a lady named Jen Tucker put together about running the Boston Marathon. Very worthy of sharing. Thank you Jen!!!!! Here's the link, well worth your time....Life is Like Running a Marathon
This one is great to:
Sorry I don't know how to do video on here.
Attitude Change
I have a new respect for marathon runners. How do they do it over and over again? and Why? I ask that question a lot. I have days I feel uninspired and then I come across some awesome quote or get some awesome video on an e-mail and it gets me goin again.
This is hard....I am trying to keep a positive attitude. Just 2 more long runs before the reeeeally long run. We have 18 this weekend and 20 next weekend then 9 then 8 then 26.2...
I am always amazed at the neverending support of my family. I couldn't do this without my darling husband and a rocking running partner. I don't know how people do this alone. It definitely tests your mind, your head and your brain, and your body. It's days like this, after only 8 miles, and I'm beat and sore, and can't move very well, that I get discouraged. Maybe I should eat, that would help.
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Schmoooookin it!
31 Days, 16 Hours, 15 Minutes, 32 Second to MARATHON TIME!!!!!! Woot Woot!! Last week our long run was a 17 miler. We logged 36 miles total for the week. What a week it was. Andrea was going out of town for the weekend, so she ran her 17 miler on Friday. The first thing I thought of when I woke up Friday, was her out there running. I was excited and nervous for her. You get spoiled running with a good partner. You get used to having them help you through the tough times but we were both on our own this week. Before long a post came on Facebook....she made it! I was stoked!! Then I shifted gears to being nervous about my own run. On Saturday, I got up about 4:30 a.m. It took me longer than usual to get out the door. By 5:15 a.m. I was on my way. I criss-crossed through town logging some miles hoping I would have a little bit more light before I hit the outskirts of town. No such luck. It was an eerily dark morning with no light other than the glow of the stars. The moon had long since set and the sun was still snoozing. As I headed out of town, I felt great! I had made a couple trips to Coral Canyon Chiropractic this week to see if they could help me out with my chronically tight IT band. Whatever they did made a huge difference. I was schmoooookin it, laying down rubber, cruisin'!!!! But about mile 13, my hip muscle started balling up. I had ran nonstop without a single break. Just when things were getting tough, I saw my hubby coming up the road on his bike. I stopped briefly for about 30 seconds so he could rub out the knot in my hip, then I was off again. The more my muscles knotted, the faster I ran. I knew if I stopped, I'd be done for the day. I crossed my finish line in a record time of 2 Hours, 18 Minutes. I was overwhelmed with excitement and relief, because the week before had been such a struggle for me. Marathon training is full of ups and downs. That run instilled a confidence I know will carry through to race day.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Time Slows Down
36 Days, 16 Hours, 32 Minutes, 19 Seconds to Marathon Time!!! I have a new theory. Time slows down, the closer you get to the marathon date. I'm starting to wonder if it will ever get here!!!! At our house we joke about the kid's movie "The Incredibles" when the little boy asks, "Are we there yet?" The mom screams in an exasperated voice, "We'll get there when we get there!" I'm tired of super-early mornings, and extra-long practice runs. I'm just ready to be standing on the start line enjoying the experience. My sweet, wonderful, awesome in-laws bought me a Nathan running belt for my upcoming birthday! IT IS FABULOUS. It is perfect for the long runs. No more driving out to drop water bottles around the route or shoving them in our shorts and having them fall out three steps later. That thing is handy. It has four water bottles, two pockets and a ring for a key. It somewhat resembles a tool belt which is amusing, but hey, for serious athletes like us, what do you expect. :) I'll definitely add it to my list of favorite accessories. For now, I'll try to be patient and keep counting down the days. I am positive, "It will get here, when it gets here!!"
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Surge Protection & Right Guard
45 Days, 19 Hours, 59 Minutes, 18 Seconds to marathon time!! I can't believe how quick it is coming up! We've been training since April and I still feel unprepared. The good news...We made 16 miles last Saturday! In case you are wondering.....that is a heck of a long way!! Our bodies are amazing.....every week it hurts, but our bodies make themselves stronger so we can do it again and then some. I thought I would die at 11 miles, three weeks later, I finished 16 feeling strong. Unbelievable.
We both have our little quirks when we run. Sometimes I notice Andrea surging ahead then she falls back into stride. Then she surges again a few strides later. Me...well I like to wander on the road. I can't seem to keep a straight line. I find myself veering into Zandrea, or off the edge of the road following the slope. This week I informed Andrea she needs surge protection and I need Right Guard. ;) We'll have to work on that.
We both have our little quirks when we run. Sometimes I notice Andrea surging ahead then she falls back into stride. Then she surges again a few strides later. Me...well I like to wander on the road. I can't seem to keep a straight line. I find myself veering into Zandrea, or off the edge of the road following the slope. This week I informed Andrea she needs surge protection and I need Right Guard. ;) We'll have to work on that.
Friday, August 7, 2009
Photo Op!!

This was the top of a steep 1/2 mile long hill! When the going got tough this morning, I kept thinking "Define Yourself!" I guess that is what this is all about.
I was pretty apprehensive about this run because I have been having hip pain about the 7 mile mark. I shopped for new running shoes for months. Fitting me into a pair of running shoes is like trying to put two different size snow skis into a pair of shoes. I literally tried on over 100 pairs all over Utah. At the end of one shopping search, I had blisters on my fingers from tightening so many laces. At one point I even thought I found a pair, but when I wore them on a long run, they nearly crippled me. I found out later what was sold to me as a running shoe, actually turned out to be a cross trainer. NOT GOOD!! In desperation, I finally ordered a pair (two different sizes) through Classic Sports in Hurricane. After a two week wait, they arrived yesterday. What a difference my new shoes made this morning!! I might make it to the starting line yet. Knowing my old shoes were causing my hip pain, I was starting to wonder , but success at last!
P.s. If I haven't said it lately, I'll say it now; I have the best running partner ever!
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Beach Week and My New Friend Merri
59 Days, 15 Hours, 52 Minutes to Marathon TIME!!!!!

The training must go on, even when we're on vacation. During my week at Newport beach, I kicked up my feet in the lounger, but I also put in a lot of miles. My first day running, I couldn't decide whether to run on the beach, on the boardwalk, or on the streets. Being in a city I wasn't familar with, I opted to start on the boardwalk. That didn't last too long as I found myself slipping and sliding on the sandy sidewalk while I ran. I headed down across the beach to the edge of the water. I started at Newport pier and went south. As I ran, giant waves, some reported as high as 19 ft., crashed against the beach. It was a exhilarating experience. About 1/2 way to Balboa pier, I passed a sweet little oriental lady going my direction. She told me in broken English it was 2 miles between piers. I headed on my way but found the terrain too steep as I got closer to the next pier. As I turned to go back thinking I'd make up the distance on the other side, my new friend Merri waved her arms above her head for me to stop "NO! NO! You go! You go to next pier!" I shrugged my shoulders and turned and ran the rest of the way with her. 64 year old Merri and I were soon friends and she told me about her weight loss of over 40 pounds. "She run 4 miles every, run, run, walk, walk, walk!" Each morning as I went to the beach for my run, there was, run, run, walk, walk, walk. Even now, I know she is out there every morning, rain or shine. She was such an inspiration to me!

The training must go on, even when we're on vacation. During my week at Newport beach, I kicked up my feet in the lounger, but I also put in a lot of miles. My first day running, I couldn't decide whether to run on the beach, on the boardwalk, or on the streets. Being in a city I wasn't familar with, I opted to start on the boardwalk. That didn't last too long as I found myself slipping and sliding on the sandy sidewalk while I ran. I headed down across the beach to the edge of the water. I started at Newport pier and went south. As I ran, giant waves, some reported as high as 19 ft., crashed against the beach. It was a exhilarating experience. About 1/2 way to Balboa pier, I passed a sweet little oriental lady going my direction. She told me in broken English it was 2 miles between piers. I headed on my way but found the terrain too steep as I got closer to the next pier. As I turned to go back thinking I'd make up the distance on the other side, my new friend Merri waved her arms above her head for me to stop "NO! NO! You go! You go to next pier!" I shrugged my shoulders and turned and ran the rest of the way with her. 64 year old Merri and I were soon friends and she told me about her weight loss of over 40 pounds. "She run 4 miles every, run, run, walk, walk, walk!" Each morning as I went to the beach for my run, there was, run, run, walk, walk, walk. Even now, I know she is out there every morning, rain or shine. She was such an inspiration to me!
Monday, August 3, 2009
11 Miles and Counting
Here is evidence!!!! Finally a picture of us together...This is our 11 mile day, and look at those happy faces. I don't know about Nissa, but it was harder putting on that smile than it was running. I have the hardest time putting on a happy face. Here we are on the home stretch, Yee Haw!!!
Thursday, July 23, 2009
The Fundraiser

Here we are at our 4th of July Bake SaleJust an update, Nissa and I had to raise $1000 for Dixie Care and Share, they have our Marathon ticket..... and WE DID IT!!!!! The burden is lifted, it is sooo nice to not be worrying about that any more. I found to best way to raise money was to think BIG....we decided to do our first fundraiser: a Bake Sale at the 4th of July festivities, we raised just under $200.
The Jam Man, that owns Old Nauvoo Jam, donated 3 cases (36 jars) of jam for our sale, I really believe it was inspiration to involve him . I literally baked bread allll dang day on Friday. It was successful as we sold all the bread and the baked goods and about 1/2 the jam, that was a great day.
The next week we had 2 more fundraisers...a Car Wash at Lin's parking lot that I was over, and a Rummage & Bake sale that Nissa was over. I was astounded by the wonderful donations for the Rummage Sale and the awesome volunteers helping at the car wash. Our best helpers were the Beehives and Mia Maid girls from the ward, my husband's 15 year old sister, and 25 yr old brother (he brought a couple of friends and was an animal at washing) my son Eaph, the City Princesses helped too. My Father-in-Law came and helped a bit, and later my handsome husband came and helped shoulder sling and all (he had shoulder surgery in June) and he brought our 7 and 6 yr old and our little 4 and 2 yr old they washed too. It was quite a sight. We had very generous people telling us to keep the change. Plus we were really consistant washing cars the whole time.
We made $234 at the Car Wash and close to $385 at the Rummage Sale. That with the donations and my Mary Kay order we were able to hand a $1000 check to Dixie Care and Share. A HUGE thank you to all of you that came out and supported us. What a Blessing, and what a BIG burden we can direct our energy guessed it....running!!!!
The Jam Man, that owns Old Nauvoo Jam, donated 3 cases (36 jars) of jam for our sale, I really believe it was inspiration to involve him . I literally baked bread allll dang day on Friday. It was successful as we sold all the bread and the baked goods and about 1/2 the jam, that was a great day.
The next week we had 2 more fundraisers...a Car Wash at Lin's parking lot that I was over, and a Rummage & Bake sale that Nissa was over. I was astounded by the wonderful donations for the Rummage Sale and the awesome volunteers helping at the car wash. Our best helpers were the Beehives and Mia Maid girls from the ward, my husband's 15 year old sister, and 25 yr old brother (he brought a couple of friends and was an animal at washing) my son Eaph, the City Princesses helped too. My Father-in-Law came and helped a bit, and later my handsome husband came and helped shoulder sling and all (he had shoulder surgery in June) and he brought our 7 and 6 yr old and our little 4 and 2 yr old they washed too. It was quite a sight. We had very generous people telling us to keep the change. Plus we were really consistant washing cars the whole time.
We made $234 at the Car Wash and close to $385 at the Rummage Sale. That with the donations and my Mary Kay order we were able to hand a $1000 check to Dixie Care and Share. A HUGE thank you to all of you that came out and supported us. What a Blessing, and what a BIG burden we can direct our energy guessed it....running!!!!
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