The training must go on, even when we're on vacation. During my week at Newport beach, I kicked up my feet in the lounger, but I also put in a lot of miles. My first day running, I couldn't decide whether to run on the beach, on the boardwalk, or on the streets. Being in a city I wasn't familar with, I opted to start on the boardwalk. That didn't last too long as I found myself slipping and sliding on the sandy sidewalk while I ran. I headed down across the beach to the edge of the water. I started at Newport pier and went south. As I ran, giant waves, some reported as high as 19 ft., crashed against the beach. It was a exhilarating experience. About 1/2 way to Balboa pier, I passed a sweet little oriental lady going my direction. She told me in broken English it was 2 miles between piers. I headed on my way but found the terrain too steep as I got closer to the next pier. As I turned to go back thinking I'd make up the distance on the other side, my new friend Merri waved her arms above her head for me to stop "NO! NO! You go! You go to next pier!" I shrugged my shoulders and turned and ran the rest of the way with her. 64 year old Merri and I were soon friends and she told me about her weight loss of over 40 pounds. "She run 4 miles every day....run, run, run, walk, walk, walk!" Each morning as I went to the beach for my run, there was Merri....run, run, run, walk, walk, walk. Even now, I know she is out there every morning, rain or shine. She was such an inspiration to me!
That is great, Nissa! I'm glad you had a fun trip and kept up the workouts too.